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God is on a mission in the world, and at Hess Road Wesleyan we want to partner with Him in as many ways possible. One of the clearest ways to team-up with God is to support long-term missionaries in their work overseas.


A long-term missionary is an individual or family that has been called by God to share the Gospel in a foreign and/or cross-cultural situation. As a local church, we support them prayerfully and financially. The missionaries send regular updates regarding their work, which prompt our praise of God and intercession on their behalf. The church sends financial support, which enables the missionaries to continue to do what they 've been called to do by Christ. 


We have partnered with 6 missionary families through Global Partners. We've purposefully chosen families serving in various parts of the world. 


Jonathan and Kathy Wilson, with Wycliffe Bible Translators, are also supported by one of our Sunday School Classes, and are considered a much-loved part of our church family. 


Use the above map to help get acquainted with our missionary families!

Kory & Chris Thede - Haiti

Ephesians 4:12 NAS: “for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ.”

Through agricultural, medical, and spiritual education, Haitian Christians can live better and touch others for Christ. One improved life impacts many others within a community. By helping to meet needs, Cory and Kris strive to strengthen the faithful and draw people to the Lord.


Cory and Kris encourage, pray, work, and partner with nationals and international visitors. As part of the Haitian community—sharing in the sorrows and joys of normal life—the Thedes desire to glorify God by helping build His kingdom.

Chris & Wendy England - Croatia

Chris and Wendy have been ministering as long-term missionaries in Croatia since 2005. Both of them experienced short-term mission opportunities as young people and then together after they were married. 

Colossians 1:28-29 (NIV) speaks to the Englands about their call to ministry and missions: “We proclaim him, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone perfect in Christ. To this end I labor, struggling with all his energy, which so powerfully works in me.” 


Their desire is to model Christ to the people of Croatia, share with them His transforming power, connect them with other Christian believers, equip them to grow in their walk with Christ, and challenge them to discover Christ’s call to ministry.

Jim & Karen Pickett - Mozambique

Resourcing and mentoring pastors and pastors-in-training across Mozambique has been Jim’s passion since 1999. Jim is a professor at Xai-Xai Bible College and conducts seminars at churches. He has also produced water filters in Northern Mozambique. Previously, Jim pastored in New York for 10 years.


Karen is a professor at the Bible college and assists the Mozambican church in developing Sunday school, teaching, and organizational ideas that they can reproduce to equip and energize their local congregations. She has also taught at two missionary children’s schools.


Jim has a master’s in missions and education. Karen has a master’s in ESL (English as a second language).

Uncover Missionaries - Asia

Shortly after high school, this man felt called to missions, specifically the unreached. He met his wife there,  who grew up a nominal Muslim but became a Christian through her sister.  This couple wants to share the hope they have in Jesus with those who many not hear it, unless they go and tell them. 

"But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? ANd how can they hear about him unless someone tells them?" (Romans 10:14 NLT)

Chris & Melissa George - Australia 

Christopher grew up in a parsonage in the Western New York District of The Wesleyan Church. At a youth convention at the age of 14, he felt a call into full-time ministry. Melissa grew up in the Central New York District of The Wesleyan Church. She always knew that God was preparing her for missions work. Both Chris and Melissa are graduates of Indiana Wesleyan University and were ordained by the Western New York District.


In the spring of 2003, Chris and Melissa led a short-term mission trip to Perth, Australia. While visiting, they felt the Lord calling them back to minister to the people in Australia as full–time missionaries. Since 2004 Chris and Melissa have served as church planters in Western Australia.


Their mission, together with the Lord, is to:

• plant healthy churches throughout Western Australia;

• bring people to the Lord and then nurture and disciple new believers in their faith;

• provide relevant ministries for adults, youth, and children of Landsdale Community Wesleyan Church;

• assist in developing ministries and opportunities for church growth throughout the Southern District of the Wesleyan Methodist Church of Australia.


Chris and Melissa have three children: Makayla (’03), Dawson (’05), and Brayden (’09).

“In the same way, let your light shine in front of others. Then they will see the good things you do. And they will praise your Father who is in heaven” (Matthew 5:16 NIRV).

Robin & Yoko White - Japan

Robin is from New Brunswick, Canada. He graduated from Kingswood University and has been a Global Partners missionary in Japan since 2008. Yoko is from Kanazawa, Japan, and she is a graduate of Christ Bible Seminary in Nagoya, Japan. They met at their church in Nagoya and were married on April 30, 2019.


Robin and Yoko's current ministry focus is a new initiative called Drawbridge Creations - a web-based manga (comics) outreach with three-fold purpose of reaching the unchurched, resourcing the Church, and empowering Christian artists, in order to bridge the gap between Church and culture; between Jesus and Japan.


"In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven." (Matthew 5:16 NIV).

Jonathan & Kathy Wilson - Papua New Guinea

The Binandere are a language group of approximately 10,000 people who inhabit villages along the banks of three major rivers in Oro Province, Papua New Guinea. The Wilsons are working together with their Binandere co-translators to translate the New Testament and portions of the Old Testament into their heart language. They are also teaching Binandere literacy classes and training their co-translators to develop their translation skills.

They invite you to join them as prayer and/or financial partners in their Wycliffe ministry. Serving together you will be making God's Word available to the Binandere people so that they can better grasp just how great God's love is for them.


Ephesians 4:12 NAS: “for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ.”

Through agricultural, medical, and spiritual education, Haitian Christians can live better and touch others for Christ. One improved life impacts many others within a community. By helping to meet needs, Cory and Kris strive to strengthen the faithful and draw people to the Lord.


Cory and Kris encourage, pray, work, and partner with nationals and international visitors. As part of the Haitian community—sharing in the sorrows and joys of normal life—the Thedes desire to glorify God by helping build His kingdom.


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